
when you reach me

just finished rebecca stead's when you reach me. my sister checked it out of her school library and asked me to read it.
 i only agreed because i made her cry before dinner.
it's kind of like the tv show lost, but in book form and for eleven year olds. it was amazing. and i just found out it won the newbery award last week. cool.

it's an amazing book, but what made it more amazing for me were the little things the narrator said about her dingy apartment, the after school trips to the pizzeria across the street. i felt like some parts of the novel were dipped out of my 5th/6th grade diary. it's great. please read it. it's so amazing i immediately went back to parts of the novel for a quick re-read but i'm planning to read it again tomorrow. i'm sleepy. it's an amazing book. not as much as ella enchanted or east of eden or into the wild (ugh my holy trinity of literature), but it's up there.

link:   this review pretty much sums up what i feel. it's amazing.

link:   and nytimes review.. just because it's nytimes

1 comment:

Jade Purple Brown said...

you make me want to read tht book!
