Got the name plate, was kidding about the name braces, I guess it'd be over-the-top ghetto fab if I got name earrings but a name ring.. especially multi-finger rings a la knucks.
There is something so appealing about them.
Radio Raheem wins the prize for best word knucks but only because his were featured in a movie.

the designer of the rings is melody ehsani and she's apparently tight friends with stylist mariel haenn (she styles rhianna, ciara, will smith! and is doing kanye's video for paranoid) and friends with director Milena. Their names all start with the letter M. cute.
now here's a toned down multi ring which I'd love to get my fingers in but they're always out of stock at oaknyc. boo hoo. I'd probably never be able to decide if I wanted the three finger one or the two finger one though.
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